Clinical Minute: Aquatic Therapy – why more patients should be using it

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Did you know that a percentage of PT patients actually recover faster through a pool-based rehab program vs the traditional clinical setting?

So how do you make the call between therapy on land and in water?

In under two minutes, join Brian Peers, MedRisk’s VP for Clinical Services and Provider Management, and discover:

1️⃣ What is aquatic therapy;

2️⃣ The advantages and disadvantages of aquatic therapy; and

3️⃣ Situations where aquatic therapy may be beneficial over other types of PT.

See more episodes of Clinical Minute by subscribing to our YouTube channel!

Clinical Minute: Active VS Passive Modalities

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Even in the context of physical therapy alone, the list of potential treatments can get pretty extensive. But when successful recovery hinges on the right intervention at the right time, it’s important to know what treatment is appropriate for each case.

In under two minutes, join Brian Peers, MedRisk’s VP for Clinical Services and Provider Management, and learn:

1️⃣ The difference between active and passive treatment;

2️⃣ Examples of common active and passive treatments; and

3️⃣ Circumstances where each type of treatment is more appropriate.

For more episodes of Clinical Minute, subscribe to our YouTube channel!

MedRisk Spotlight: Jill Carnahan, PT, DPT

We are excited to highlight the achievements of MedRisk’s Jill Carnahan, PT, DPT, who was recognized as a finalist in 2021’s WorkCompCentral Comp Laude Awards for workers’ comp industry professionals.

Jill is a trailblazer for physical therapy in workers’ comp and has been instrumental in improving patient outcomes through our telerehab program.


See more videos on our YouTube channel.

What Sets MedRisk Apart?

What sets MedRisk apart from others in the industry?

The clinical expertise provided by our International Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB) is unmatched.


See more videos on our YouTube channel.

Neck Exercises – MedRisk Physical Therapist Rachael Turner

Rachael Turner, MedRisk physical therapist and telerehab expert, demonstrates three gentle exercises to ease neck pain in this video clip.

This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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