
Study Spotlight: Telecommuting May Shift Class Codes, Hike Repetitive Stress Injuries

The mass shift to remote working (and even permanent telecommuting) has interesting implications on workers’ compensation class codes.

Prior to the pandemic, only 6 percent of U.S. workers worked from home – and 75 percent had never worked from home before. This all changed in May 2020 when more than 33 percent of workers started remote working.

Now, the data is in. Two recent reports from the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) show interesting trends in class codes as a result of this shift to remote work.

Key Findings

  • Workers’ compensation class codes with higher telecommuting potential tend to have lower loss costs than others
  • The office and clerical group has lower average loss costs
  • Loss costs in the office and clerical group account for nearly 60% payroll exposure but just 11% of premium

While there may be a shift among classifications in the months to come, other issues come to light. The move to ergonomically incorrect home offices could cause more repetitive stress injuries and slips and falls.

MedRisk is committed to keeping a pulse on class codes and trends in workers’ compensation to help adjusters, case managers and providers efficiently and effectively care for workers.

Read more about the shift in class codes from NCCI here.

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